Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Sisterly love

This blip took place this evening before bed. Rhona was climbing all over Euan and trying to eat his head. She thought it hilarious and Euan was not worried about her doing it in the slightest. In fact, he requested "take a photo mummy!"

Rhona seems to be over her cold finally. A wee cough in the night but only up once at 4am so can't complain. She ate loads today and yesterday and so did Euan. They had their main meal at lunch of salmon in spinach and cheese sauce and Euan requested his with animal pasta shapes (his new favourite thing to eat)

Rhona had baby group today for the first time. She sat for the first 10 mins watching all the older babies, most were over a year, then went exploring and tasted all the toys. I dread to think of all the germs on the toys she had in her mouth, probably best not to think of it! Home to pick up Euan from the greats, lunch, then back out to playgroup. Home again, tidied while rhona slept, played once she woke, quick skype to my friend mairet, then picked euan up.home to play, nap for rhona, tea of tattie soup and scones that I just baked then tv before getting the wee ones ready for bed. Looking forward to relaxing in front of the tv tonight. Euan had an eye test in the morning then w1 are going for lunch.

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