Hands up

Yep, I obviously didn’t take these photos!

I was clearing out (again) and found this postcard that my Dad sent to my Grandparents in 1970.

We had just left Southampton heading for Sydney and he posted this in Lisbon. He said that all was well. We were on that boat for 7 weeks - I think it was the cheapest way of getting a family of 7 and all their possessions from England to Australia. I wasn’t very old so my memories are partly second-hand.

The bottom photo is of our boat having just arrived in Sydney, but what’s significant is the building site for the Opera House in the top left.

And I do remember visiting that. It must have been a weekend because there was no work going on site and we have family photos of me sitting on some stone work.

This evening we celebrated the 21st minute of the 21st hour of the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century with a glass of Adnams Port, a recent gift. Yay and Yum.

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