The story so far...


Just call me Gordon Ramsey!

He sure as hell as the same temper! Mummy doesn't know if it is due to teething (tooth 7 is looking likely to make an appearance soon) or cam just having an off day but it has definitely been a stormy day.
He was great in the morning and showed of his crawling shuffling forward but that quickly changed when we got home. He screamed and screamed until some calpol, lunch and nap on mummy was allowed. He perked up at hartbeeps and the babies had to pretend they were chefs baking cakes. This good mood was short lived and when he had to give back his light at the end he let rip with some ear piercing shrieks that was obviously pure anger. As he has started head butting too now when he doesn't get his way we have turned to the health visitors for help, not holding our breath though although I am sure that will be cam's next trick to show his displeasure. Chocolate cake is definitely required tonight!!

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