Life In Wales

By KarenC

Morning Reflections

Lockdown 3 - Day 18

I had planned to have a lie in this morning, but having got up to go to the toilet, I looked outside and it was a lovely morning, so I decided to get up and go down to the marina for sunrise. I haven’t been there since the summer as the boardwalk is quite narrow, so I’d feel uncomfortable if it was busy, but I knew it would be quiet at this time.

The colours weren’t as strong as I’d hoped, but it was still beautiful and very peaceful. A couple of cormorants kindly posed for me too, and I’ve added an extra.

Before heading home I nipped into Asda to pick up a couple of things, and as it was early it was very quiet in there too.

The rest of the day has been spent tidying and cleaning the house, although I went for a lunch time walk with Alan, and this afternoon I had a workout on the crosstrainer. By the time I’d finished and had a shower, it was time to make the dinner and then it was Friday night date night in the Palace - I was ready for a sit down!

I watched Boris’ briefing and it seems they now think this new strain of Covid is more deadly than first thought which is worrying. I also get the feeling that this lockdown might stretch until May, I’ve heard May mentioned a few times now.

I hope you’re all keeping well, I’ll try and catch up with you over the weekend. Stay safe!

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