Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Not sure where today has gone. Both kids slept in, Carys until 7ish and then had a nice snuggle with me before I decided we both really need to get up and get ready. W didn't wake up until almost 07.45, which obviously threw us all out of kilter and it was a scramble to get out the door on time.

After playing games in Class R, I headed to the GP to talk about my tonsils. Apparently in this area tonsilectomies are at the bottom of the pile along with varicose vein and plastic surgery. However after discussing the risks along side the potential benefits he did say if I want to he will refer me. However I will have to write a letter explaining how it impacts on my life and the psychological impact it has on me! I said that I will consider my options and he said to come back to talk to him and potentially get referred at anytime.

The afternoon shot by in a haze of housework bits and sorting out birthday presents for the glut of upcoming birthday parties. Bedtime came and I realised I hadn't taken a photo. After a lotbit of silliness at bedtimes after Christmas Carys has a new bedtime routine. Friday and Saturday she comes downstairs when W goes to bed and she can watch telly, play on the computer or do something from her craft drawer. On school nights she has to stay in her room after W goes to bed, but she can play with the toys she has in there and she has a lot of them. Inevitably though this is how I find her at lights out time, snuggled in her duvet, reading a book (nine times out of ten a Darcey Bussell book). I love that she is turning into a bookworm. I love the fact that it seems to be working too and bedtime is now much calmer.

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