
This was us this morning at breakfast time.
I have had a day of not doing anything and just really resting. Emotionally it's been a little difficult and I had a wee cry in the shower earlier. The Jedi won't come near me or anything and I actually think this whole experience has gave him some kind of trauma. I mean for him I just totally disappeared for day's. And he's too wee to understand. Mr R sat him on my knee earlier this morning and he didn't even look at me. He just started crying a cry that he's never done before. It was like he just let 5days of tears out onto me and fell asleep. I think it's going to take him time to feel comfortable around me again. He's only went to his dad today for hugs and will just walk past me . Emotionally for me that's quite hard to take in. And I guess that's our breastfeeding journey over with too.

I have been so overwhelmed today with flowers, chocolate's, plant's, wine and goody bags from my neighbours and friends. People are so kind. My bigger Wildlings have gave me huggles as Harp calls them. Mr R has done everything. I think because the surgery wasn't as easy as it should have been means I just need to rest a while longer.

Thank you all for your lovely well wishes. I'm so glad to be at home and hopefully things with the Jedi improves. And he stops looking at me as if I'm a stranger.

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