Cloaked in golden light
This little Red Breasted Nuthatch was buzzing around me as I stood among the feeders in the late afternoon light. My other choice today was face to face with a precious Chickadee, clearer, but the light won out. We need all the light we can get during these pandemic days.
We've pretty much gotten the cellar and another crawlspace area we access through a trapdoor in the floor ready for Monday. A strong, masked, brother-in-law helped us carry up and take to the dump the few things we needed help with. It's a pity we don't have any outside access to these areas, so everything has to go through the house to the door outside. We will be happy when the new insulation and the dirt crawlspace covering is completed. It should only take a couple of days.
A good friend had adjusted the trap door for us in November, adding hydraulic rods like used on car hatchbacks so we could open it easily. Before that adjustment, the door was really too heavy for us to lift. His work is absolutely brilliant. So now the only issue is capturing Merry , she'll be with Trish in an upstairs bedroom through the work. She's tricky to catch(a gingerbread cat) now that she has to have a pill every other morning. She's very wily and brilliant at figuring out my moves and how to scoot away.
See the Chickadee in the extras
For the Record,
This day came in crisp and sunny.
All hands wary
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