The day to start is today

By Traci

Never too cold

Well it IS too cold, but these tiny blue flowers have brightened up my front door planters all over the New Year and are still going strong now, some kind of hebe I think, very pretty indeed.

Everything else seems to be cloudy and grey, and although I can see from other people's blips the sun is out there somewhere, it hasn't been here for sometime now, so move over those clouds and lets have a little warmth please. And ever such a small piece of blue sky would be lovely.

Busy day today, I feel somedays like I get on one end of a speed train, someone then tells me the buffet car is down through 15 carriages, I then spend the whole day on that walking journey rattling on down through, dodging other approaching passengers, taking the odd refuge in the quiet interconnecting compartments, then off again to eventually arrive within a sniff of coffee .... there's a queue and I have left my purse behind. But if I was comparing it completely to today, at least there was someone to buy me a coffee AND cake !! Not all bad. (thank you Helen)

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