The Lumber Mill is set - FInally
Just glued down the lumber mill and the connected structures. I have been fine tuning the log pond and test fitting the mill a lot. Sort of like a chicken and the egg question. Anyway, today I got the mill in exactly the right place and glued it down. The tricky part was making sure the very close tolerances for the freight cars worked. Much futzing around but finally it was right.
The log ramp up and into the mill came with the kit, but I wanted to extend the ramp into the pond for the floating logs to begin their journey. Since the kit's ramp ended at ground level, I built an extension and painted it up to match. That is the lower half of the ramp. There is also a small platform that went is as well next to the ramp. The extension to the ramp is not glued just yet as I need to add stone to the retaining wall behind it. I did get started with some rip-rap next to the mill.
While I was messing around a few days ago, I decided that I also needed a log dump by the tracks, and one on this side of the pond for log trucks. I have one on order which I need to build (GHQ Model). Also an A frame for the unloading the truck - already have the dozer that will operate the crane.. The wood on the ground there is a log truck scale, and the little cabin in a previous extra blip goes next to it.
Oh - the name of the log mill? I am naming it "Seven Fingers Log Mill". Sign to come.
Once I get the bottom of the pond detailed with rocks and debris and a few weeds, and carry that landscaping up and over the edge, I can pour the water. That is fun but all must be done and glued before I do it. One shot with the resin.
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