32 Years

Quoting what I posted on FB -- '32 years ago, Muppet and Moppie got married.'

THAT is the most important thing about today!  We didn't go anywhere, although we could have, but there was a remarkable documentary on Nat Geo about the parallels between EBOLA and COVID that AW just had to watch, parallels in terms of origins as well as approach to treatment and prevailing attitudes of the general public and of governments, too.  It was very interesting but very worrying as well.  It does pay to understand what is going on.

Nothing could spoil our simple little dinner, though.  32 years went by pretty quickly.  We look forward to 40... but we need to get through each and every year in between, starting with this one.  Let's all stay safe!

PS1.  If our 6-year-old grandson knows how to use the timer, I should be able to do it, too.

PS2.  We're under curfew now, from 21.00 to 04.30.

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