Life's tangled skein

By atp

2015-02-07 (Day 038) Parkrun

With Cameron's archery starting a little later in the mornings just now, i have time to get to Parkrun before taking him there.

<a href=""&gt;Parkrun&lt;/a&gt; is great - a free, timed, weekly 5k run. It has grown into a global phenomenon, and is a great way for people of most fitness levels to kick-start their weekend.

The Falkirk Parkrun goes round Callendar Park, a beautiful park in the centre of town. This morning, it was crisp and cold, with the mist being slowly burned off by a pale wintry sun.

I do wish I had had a camera with me, but the phone was able to do a reasonable job... and the best camera for the job is always the one you have with you!

Thank you to the organisers of the Parkrun, and now I just need to wait for my time...

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