Vaccine (Part 1)

I got my first Covid vaccine this morning- I meant to take a pic but I was having a wobble and completely forgot- the wobble is more about getting a jag, plus perhaps some guilt that I was getting one when loads of other worthy recipients are not yet. I’m well aware I’m very lucky.
I got home to find Floss wearing his new birthday T-shirt which made me smile.
In the afternoon we took Winnie for a walk whilst the girls did likewise with D. Sadly I did a spectacular Superman style fall which left me with soaking jeans, muddy jacket and trainers. Embarrassing.
Back home we watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Nelly having to be bullied into it despite my temptations of popcorn and pic’n’mix. It was good, she ended up enjoying it I think.
By bedtime my arm felt a bit nippy- more hot and tender than actually sore.

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