
By Kuifje

Time with friends...

...is time well spent.

They sat round the dinner table for hours. Dinner had been eaten, wine, fizzy pop, tea and coffee had been drunk, dessert consumed. And still they laughed, lectured, shared, danced and cried.
All five had been hogging the limelight at some point as stories had been told and enacted. Splinter groups formed as jobs were dealt with in the kitchen, or the news headlines were caught on the tv. Yet they kept coming back to the table, to more in depth conversations.
An outsider would have felt lost and confused to begin with, but soon would have found a space to join in, to contribute, to share. I know, for that was me not too long ago. Now it's as if I had always known them.
Secrets shared, troubles aired, game plans formed and future gatherings organised. The move from table to sofa signalling the wind down of a wonderful evening. As I looked into the eyes of those I now consider great friends, I got smiles in return and knew I'd found home.

"Good friends are like stars.... you don't always see them, but you know they are always there"

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