Two steps forward...

By stevvi

Thorpe Bay, Dawn

I was up to far to early today but that meant I was out well in time for dawn, and what I colourful one it was.

For interest's sake, I’ve included the extra to show than the camera definitely does lie at times. The two photos were taken 2.5 minutes apart with my camera set on Auto White Balance (which is notorious for getting sunrises/sunsets wrong). To all intents and purposes the photos are “straight out of the camera” and so it is obvious that the camera chose two different settings for white balance, giving the large difference in colours (easily corrected in processing). So which one is correct? Neither really as the darkness and contrast of both photos greatly exaggerates the vibrancy and deepness of the colours which makes for lovely pictures, but neither are true to life… not that I care one bit :)

Edit: Extra deleted due to space reasons

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