Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I went out for a little walk today, to see if there was a sunset. It's been a sunny day..until the afternoon...of course.
I don't know who were more disappointed to miss the sunset, Bernie or me. At least he was well dressed for his wait.

I just couldn't help myself. I just had to make one of my own. ;)
It was nice to get out for a little walk, even though it was rather slippery. On my way I took the opportunity to go by the garbage room and update my two spare tags for the new look. And, I finally figured out how to properly look my door without any problems. Last time I did something wrong and had to stand outside trying for some time. Not fun!
The strange thing is, when I tried the new look when the 'look changing guys' were here, I had no troubles at all! Oh, well... now I know. :)

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