This is my hare ornament in the garden which was quite frozen this morning. I've also added an extra of the ice patterns on my pond. It didn't get above 0C all day. Today I fitted one of the carpet offcuts into the fitted wardrobe in my bedroom. If only this was a nice rectangular shape, but it has two fitted shelving units in it that had to be fitted round, plus odd end pieces. Not a completely perfect job, but I was rather happy with the result. Normally I'd have got the fitters to do it, but with Covid I thought this would be too risky.
Day 315 / Day 20 of Lockdown 3 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 610 to 97,939 (revised basis), with 30,004 new cases, 37,899 patients in hospital, 4,076 on ventilation and 4,013 new admissions. c6.4m have now received their first dose of the vaccine, including 75% of over 80s. Prof Van-Tam the Deputy CMO has reiterated that those vaccinated still need to comply with social-distancing rules as they might still be able to spread the virus.
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