Life's tangled skein

By atp

2015-09-19 (Day 262) Abandoned Factory

I’ve lived in this area for nearly twenty years now, and I thought I was getting to know the place. But then I come across this… how can I have missed a massive chimney like this for so long?

I came across it when I went for a short run. I only wanted to do a mile or so, just enough to turn the legs over a bit and let me do some stretching before the Linlithgow 10k tomorrow. But then of course I saw this and had to go out of my way for a better view. *sigh*

I’ve done a little googling and haven’t been able to find out anything about the place, so if anyone can fill me in on the details I would be interested!

The picture quality ain't up to much; I only had the phone with me and then had to correct for poor exposure. And the lens was probably covered in sweat too, but let's not go into that.

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