Evil Goat

By evilgoat

On target

Very cold forecast early in the morning, so decided I'll get up early and ride to the stables making the best of frozen trails.

Nick fancied a ride so after sorting horses I met up with him. Nice coffee and flapjack from the cafe in Newton linford then carried on. Summer trails are great others were horrendous.

The snow started not far from home. I love riding in fresh powder snow, so much fun.

Got home to find Jude painting a lovely picture and so much brighter with more energy.

The snow came down really heavy. So went sledging after lunch.

Tried to get a photo of Toby throwing a snowball but his aim is too good. Glad I have a waterproof phone!

After sledging went to stables, was an entertaining drive. Despite the snow car was easy enough to keep moving and not drive into a ditch. Other people seemed to disagree with me and there was a few abandoned cars and people polishing the roads.

Dogs had a blast on their walk.

My new Garmin watch tells me I've burned nearly 5000 calories today. Certainly feels that way.

Still snowing heavily now and forecast to hit -6 overnight. I think tomorrow I may not get to the stables before work.

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