Socks for a good night’s sleep

Apparently, wearing socks to bed can help with a good night’s sleep and in particular can help regulate your body temperature.  Well it is worth a go! I got in a stash of bed socks as I didn’t have any since I am always so hot. We’ll see if they somehow (counter intuitively to me) cool me down and give me some good restful nights of sleep.
Sleep study

We saw not a speck of snow here today. It just looked a bit chilly out first thing so Ian and I bundled up ready for a walk. The getting dressed part lasted longer than the walk. We didn’t even make it off the drive as the black ice was treacherous! We slid a few yards and then slid back to the safety of the house again.  Even the gritters had a hard time.  My walking app trolled me and called the abortive trip and epic adventure (extra).

So it was indoor exercise for me today as I didn’t want to risk any broken bones.  And I also got in some crochet and some footie watching. I particularly enjoyed Man U’s win over Liverpool in the cup.

Ian bought a pulse oximeter as apparently tracking your blood oxygen levels can be helpful and in particular can pick up silent hypoxia. I have decided I don’t like the contraption since it always measures Ian at a health 97% and I am always at a much lower 93% which is supposedly a cause for concern! Maybe I just have bad circulation!  I am going to track it properly over a week on different fingers and see if my levels change. I was proclaiming it faulty but since Ian and Leo are always at 97-99% it must be me that is dodgy!  

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