My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

The white stuff

We haven’t seen proper snow since the “beast from the east” in early 2018 and L doesn’t remember that!

She was very excited to see it was snowing this morning... sadly it didn’t last long and had pretty much vanished by early afternoon when we went for a walk after lunch.

Good job we got outside and played for half an hour while it was coming down - enough for a snowball but not enough for a snowman.

L and I opened a science kit she got for her birthday today too... I will have to blip one of her experiments another day. We did colour mixing and we currently have a tray of different coloured jelly crystals on the side in the kitchen! She was ever so interested in it, which was great.

Oh and we had a takeaway Sunday lunch for N and I’s 123rd monthiversary.

It’s been a busy day but it hasn’t felt that way, which is good.

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