What Should We Do?

Several years ago, I heard the story of a great Biblical scholar who was asked what he would consider the most important Biblical truth .  With little hesitation, so the story goes, he replied, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."  This morning, during the traditional music service, Daniel Roucloux,. accompanied by Susan Bell,, reminded us of that simple yet profound truth and what Jesus then did because of it with a beautiful song combining "Jesus Loves Me" and "Oh How He Loves You And Me",  Because we celebrated Sanctity of Human Life Sunday today, our interim pastor, Dr, David Smith, spoke to us about the importance  of all human life  to God and how, as Christ-followers, it should be equally precious to us.  God sent His only Son to save us, so what does that mean for us in today's world?  What should we do to protect human life now and for eternity?   We should share the truth we know with everyone we come in contact with.  It really is as simple as Jesus loves me----and you!  Who can you share that with today?

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