Mum in the Moment

By muminthemoment

Driving school

I have been mostly busy with driving lessons today. My last pick up was 330pm at Broxburn Academy(today's picture) I enjoy parking near the front gates and watching the hundreds of pupils come out when school is finished. I started 1st year at this school nearly 23 years ago. Gawsh! We didn't have to wear uniform then but they do now. I must say, it looks so much better with everyone wearing the same.

Tonight we had a friend round who is off to Zimbabwe in little over a week. She will be staying there for 1-2 years. A huge change for her and it's nice to be able to encourage her and show support as she heads off on her journey. Change can be scary and it's always good to know that there are people who believe in you. We all need to hear that now and again.

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