Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman


I'm amusing myself in creating another photo album. These are all images that you saw around Xmas.
Here's a verse of John Clare from his Shepherds Calendar  : " A Winters Day ". Appropriate as I managed to get cold this morning doing the Zoom Pilates class, so I'm sitting here with coat on. I'll next go out and walk myself warm before it rains.
Blips exif reading is wrong on this ISO is 2000 !

Withering and keen the winter comes
While comfort flies to close shut rooms
And sees the snow in feathers pass
Winnowing by the window glass
And unfelt tempests howl and beat
Above his head in corner seat
And musing oer the changing scene
Farmers behind the tavern screen
Sit-----or wi elbow idly press
On hob reclines the corners guest


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