I spotted this Iris reticulata flowering in the rockery this morning. It's such a strong purple blue, a colour which does'nt always come true in a photo, so thought it would be interesting to take an image with my faithful, but sadly on the blink, Panasonic Lumix, the Canon DSLR, & my Huawei phone. The Canon image is the closest I reckon.
It's a miserable day outside, so inside chores this morning. 3 fly tipping reports sent to the TDC, a bit of jiggery pookery (filing), now lunchtime, then plough through the gardening magazines without too many additions to my 'WANT/WISH' list. It's going to be tricky I know.
Can't recall the last time I added my Blip so early???
Enjoy your day Blip folks & stay safe. x
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