Fernando Cohen

By fernandocohen

At the market

I was going to stop with the quotes. But, yesterday, I started to read "Looking at photographs", by the great John Szarkowski. He selected 100 pictures from the MoMA collection. In the right page, you see the picture and in the left a wonderful text he wrote. What I didn't know is that he not only talk about the pictures, but writes beautiful things about photography itself. So, here it goes:

What it is that makes a photograph truly work is in the end a mystery, as success doubtless is in any art. Finely hewn critical standards may help us explain the admirable, but between the admirable and the wonderful is a gulf that we can see across, but not chart. Photography, being only precariously under the control of the photographer's hand and mind, is a tool well-fitted for the exploration of those areas of our experience in which we recognize but do not understand meaning. Such meaning, if we understood it, might deal with issues as fragile as the contrast between the age of a stone and the freshness of the light.
John Szarkowski

Looking at photographs: 100 pictures from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art

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