Another 7 miles

Gill called at 10 for our walk. We couldn’t believe we’d last walked together on 30 December yet we feel January has been a long month. The conversation certainly saw us through the village, up to Whitton Hillhead, down to Tosson, and over the river to Thropton where Gill went home. I continued up Physic Lane and over West Hills home, by which time it was raining. 7 miles though. Hope to do 100 before end month’s end.

I had a hummus, sesame seed and grated carrot sandwich then a nice hot bath before ordering the £115 worth of Glacé Cotton to knit #2’s coat. I needed a wee lie down after spending that.

Last night’s dream - Jenny and I were staying in a hostel and we couldn’t find towels to get a shower. By the time they were located there was a long queue for the bathroom. A metaphor for the vaccine queue?

I have binge watched “It’s a Sin”. Mr C declined to join me. You knew it would end badly when the gay lad threw away his condoms en route for London in 1981. I can’t watch Call my Agent and crochet at the same time as the subtitles are too small and go too fast. Back to Lupin.

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