
By Finley

Sit Finley, sit!

We went for a walk today and our friend Baxter, who is also a cockapoo. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, Baxter is from the same farm that Finley came from - I had forgotten about that. Anyway, when we get together with him, Finny goes crazy. He finally has someone to run and play with - hard. They go at it while Wrigley walks by my side, happy and content to have this little chocolate thing not jumping and biting his ear trying to get him to play. It's a nice reprieve for poor Wrigley.

The end of the walk is always treat time. When Annie was alive, the three of them would sit there and patiently wait for treats to be thrown their way. Annie was always the best at catching treats, never missing one, even a bad toss. She was quick. Wrigley was a close second. Baxter on the other hand, still doesn't have catching a treat down yet. He misses more than half the time. Oh, well, we still love him.

As you can see, Finley doesn't quite have the sitting down yet. He's soooo good at home, sitting for treats, but get him out with friends and full of energy and bye-bye good behavior! I know, he's still a baby. We still got some work to do. . .

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