Capital adventures

By marchmont

Hungry fox

Well what can you say about a day that is spent confined to one room,looking at the snow and the wildlife.

My night was not good, the combination of the Bard's Revenge and not really doing enough. And these socks!!

I spent this morning with a quick call to #2 son, then catching up on my emails and personal admin. The afternoon disappeared doing fabulous Sim family history for A in NZ. Alain, Old Deer, Cruden.

#3 son has gone home and I'm very grateful to him. He is a star. But now that's me and Willow 'home alone'. I'm pretty much off the painkillers and every hour feels better. Now, if only I could do the exercises.

3 years today since my dad died and 2 years as once WH's grandmother died.

F2F - 1
Phone calls - 0
Virtual - 1
Recovery day 4

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