
Is it bad to say he's at his best in the evenings?  I think it's the calm of the children in bed, he relaxes and tends to doze away.  Day time, he doesn't settle so well and spends a great deal of time chasing children's toys (the sound of plastic being chased across the floor is breaking me at the moment!) 

As ever, a whole raft of home schooling to get through, exhausting for all as it's one on one - (aside from the group lessons, but they are no more than three per lesson).  So there is no chance of seeing what someone else says, or even just working with the buddy next to you.  It must be really hard for the boys.  I'm so proud of them, I know they are shattered, I can't wait for them to go back to school and I'm also already really sad about it.  

As ever, time well spent and much needed outside this afternoon. We met a friend who has two beautiful dogs and always offers great advice for ours (she's always amazed at the amount of bounce ours has, hers have beautiful poise!) 

Today I am grateful for: 
Finishing the challenge!! 174km done, of the 173.8 challenge.  My excel spread sheet isn't quite in line with strava and it's strava that dictates if I've done it. Bit of a damp squib really as I didn't quite realise it was so close. A friend has challenged me to make it up to 200km by the end of January. 
Schooling the boys, I love it and I hate it, probably in equal measures. The really tough bit is trying to fit anything, like a phone call, around it
Fantastic support today from some people I work with who have come to help with sorting a few things out. 

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