Posh snowman

I can't claim I built this snowman. Far too smart for anything I may have built! My friend's son in law built it for her grandchildren. I'm not sure how much the children contributed but it is very jolly.
I finally had a breakthrough with social services and both mum's local team and the hospital team have joined up and everything is now in place. Mum will have care three times a day when she gets home. They will also clear her fridge that has been left since she was admitted, change her bed and make sure she has essential food on her return, until we can organise deliveries. 
The doctors are still investigating her stomach problems but mum is feeling better and I think hearing that the care is now in place lifted a weight of her mind, as it did mine. They are expecting her to be going home before the end of the week but there is nothing set in stone yet.
I managed to squeeze in a dog walk between phone calls which was a welcome break. It was cold but luckily not too slippery. There are still patches of snow and ice but it is easier to get around than last week.
I have set the wheels in motion and completed the paperwork to give up my car and I think it will be gone in the next few weeks. I'm sure it is the right thing to do. I've never enjoyed driving and am quite happy to manage without. I need to clear it out and clean the inside ready for it to go. It's taken a while to make the final decision but I feel good now that I have. I enjoy using public transport and will look forward to the end of lockdown when travelling even locally will be so much more enjoyable again. We are lucky that despite living rurally we have a good bus service to different villages and towns which I intend to explore when we are allowed.

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