
By SpotsOfTime


More pain as the end gets closer. Ally, the welder has been a gem and helped me to find a buyer and I will break even, plus a bit, on current costs but I am aware of how much has been sunk into ‘keeping her alive’, as Ally put it today, over all these years. It has been crazy if I look at it logically, but then it is as far from logical as you can get.
In between listening to the Veneerings hurling insults and more substantial things at each other this evening, I’ve been thinking of Flann O’Brian,
“The gross and net result of it is that people who spent most of their natural lives riding iron bicycles over the rocky roadsteads of this parish get their personalities mixed up with the personalities of their bicycle as a result of the interchanging of the atoms of each of them and you would be surprised at the number of people in these parts who are nearly half people and half bicycles...when a man lets things go so far that he is more than half a bicycle, you will not see him so much because he spends a lot of his time leaning with one elbow on walls or standing propped by one foot at kerbstones.”
― The Third Policeman

... enmeshed, merged and inseparable, I’ve been trying to keep her going because I couldn’t keep him going.

Here she is on our honeymoon (we had that campsite to ourselves) ... having a whale of a time and wishing we were all there together again.

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