
By Bompa

Ceci n'est pas un chien. (This is not a dog.)

There are two reasons why this is not a dog:

First, look for a painting by surrealist painter Magritte entitled "Ceci n'est pas une pipe." His explanation is that you cannot stuff the pipe he painted. It is only an image of a pipe, not an actual pipe. Likewise, this photograph is not a dog. You can't take it for a walk. It is only an image of a dog.

Second, some people, who prefer large dogs, might look at this 6 1/2 pound Chihuahua, Miniature Pinscher cross and state emphatically, "That is not a dog!".

Nevertheless, our little dog, Chiqui, otherwise has all the attributes of a dog and when she is not being annoying we love her for it.

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