Well, there's a surprise!

Last week I became aware there were small birds in the Buddleia that don't come to the feeders. I couldn't see what they were because the Buddleia still has leaves, but I could hear what I was told are Wrens and I could see and hear a Robin. So I put a feeder of seed on the fence behind the Buddleia - and almost immediately House Sparrows and a Robin arrived. Because of the Robin I then added a feeder of mealworms - which he came back to several times. I had put my little camera quite close and the first day when I checked it I saw the Sparrow, Robin, and a Great Tit.
Today, however I got a surprise - as well as the male House Sparrow on the left, on the right is what people often assume is a female Sparrow, but it isn't - it's a Dunnock! I had never seen one as far off the ground as this - usually I just see it scurrying along the edge of the undergrowth below the Buddleia.  When you can see it close like this you can see it doesn't have the  black marking that the House Sparrow has, it is a duller colour, but the give away is the shape of the beak  - the Sparrow has a thick one but the Dunnock's is much finer and pointed.
Still hoping to capture a shot of the Wren or Blue Tit.

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