Windmill 'De Twee Vrienden', Bergen op Zoom

'De Twee Vrienden' = 'The Two Friends'
'Twee' sounds like 'Tway'
'Zoom' sounds like 'Zome' and means 'seam' = Mountains on the Seam
The 'seam' most likely refers to a natural feature of the local landscape, perhaps dividing an area of wetland from tracts of dryer land.  Who knows.

It was not the idea to go hunting today as the morning was grey.  Past noon, though, more and more light crept into the sky until I was convinced that I could go for it.  Bergen op Zoom is in West Brabant, for a change, and closer to where we live, so AW came along.  The vanes were turning in the strong wind and I managed a minute-long video which I've posted on FB.  You can even hear our voices.  My voice sounds very strange on video.

Before we left, though, a package dropped through the mail slit -- a wedding anniversary gift from the friend in Eindhoven.  THAT was a surprise to me.  AW knew it was coming, though.  The package contained a book about how life was 50 years and further back compared to today -- a nostalgic book with a lot of photographs.  Many possibilities for rainy day shots, but I will not overdo.

Our short drive was followed by housework and research.  AW returned to his Nat Geo and History Channel documentaries, dinner, and then Tuesday bridge online.  To be honest, we hardly feel the lockdown and the curfew as our lives have been able to continue along the usual tracks and we do not intend to join the pathetic groups of anti-government protesters who are destroying public property and looting shops elsewhere, and getting themselves water-canonned, arrested, and charged.  Today happens to be Lockdown Day 43.  Six weeks now.  How time flies!

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