Emily Jane MacLeod's return to Orkney

We are supporting CMC’s sister at the moment who is home after a hysterectomy; obviously she’ll be off the beat for a while.  To help with her support her daughter, EJM, returned from Glasgow.  She is a qualified nurse (as is CMC’s sister) so no problems there.  Emily has been busy finishing the first part of her doctorate.

I was at my mother’s.  I had just arrived with her messages and had put on her toast to go with her tea.  I got a call from CMC (not the first ever).  It said I had to return home immediately.  I did.  

When we arrived at PB Emily was prostrate, had fainted twice, and couldn’t bear weight on her one leg.  After a long phone consultation with the Balfour Hospital they dispatched a paramedic team.  They took her into hospital.  CMC has collected her – on crutches – also EJM was on crutches – and she has torn ligaments and a ‘fever’.

I was texted to make a tuna pasta bake / salad and loaf to take it around to PB for a meal. It was indicated I’ll have one yellow card rescinded.

There will be no further statements.

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