Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Not Quite Frozen

Since it never got above freezing today, I thought it would be a good day for blowing bubbles.  It was sunny so the bubbles were taking too long to freeze before they popped.  It was breezy too, so that didn't help.  I was persistent, though, and finally got some to freeze.  I thought the slightly frozen ones were more photogenic so that is my main shot.  The frozen one is the first extra and the second is the frozen bubble after it popped.  It stayed like that for a long time.   Anyway, it was fun to do something different. :-)

Yesterday around dusk my video doorbell picked up motion near the front door.  PD had been in and out carrying firewood so I thought it was him.  Later I looked out the window to see the moon and I noticed the sidewalk and driveway had been shoveled.  I thanked PD for shoveling and he said he didn't do it.  So I looked back at the video on my phone and it was someone shoveling but we couldn't tell who it was.  We have a lot of young neighbors so it could have been any of them.  I'm grateful to the mystery shoveler! 

Thank you very much to everyone who visited and for the stars and hearts yesterday and today!  I appreciate all of them. :-) 

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