Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley


Today is Holocaust Memorial Day... a day to remember the 6 million Jews (and the many others) who were killed under the Nazi persecutions and also to commemorate those who died in subsequent genocides including Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. 

A day to consider our actions of the past and ask ourselves what lessons have been learned.

This year's theme is "Be a Light in the Darkness" and as I reflect on that, I'm drawn to consider another quote by Christ... 

"I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows Me will not walk in Darkness, but will have the Light of Life". 

..... So as we move forward may we show kindness and love towards others - thinking about our actions and our words. May we be a "Light in the Darkness" and may we choose to follow the "Light of the World". 

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