Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Sunshine after rain

It was raining when I woke up this morning and I waited until it had stopped before I took Xena for a walk. The woods were full of puddles and  dogs and little children were running through them having fun. Xena played with a beautiful Italian Mastiff dog today, he must have been about 50kg and was a beautiful silver colour. I stood watching while leaning against a tree trunk as I have heard of too many people now who have been injured by playing dogs slamming into them, and with this big boy I was not going to take any chances. After all that rain last night and this morning, the sunshine came out and it was a clear day with beautiful blue skies.

I made some soup for lunch and then watched a video about editing landscape images. The first thing pro photographers always do to an image is crop it, it seems the be the standard response to any image these days, and unless you are using a camera with a large amount of megapixels you end up with an image that loses so much quality from cropping it looks all grainy and pixelated by the time you are finished with it. 

Interesting that Germany says the Oxford vaccine should only be offered to under 65's as there is not enough evidence to prove its efficacy to people over that age. The UK government do not agree with that view.

So it is round one to Boris in the Nicola vs Boris match - he wanted to go to Scotland and she wanted to stop him saying it was not an essential journey, but he is currently in Glasgow visiting a vaccination centre. To be fair, Scotland is lagging significantly in their goal of rolling out the vaccine so I am not surprised he wants to see the reason why this is happening. I do find their love-hate hate-hate relationship amusing!

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