
Our glasshouses are monitored digitally for temperature via aspirated screens every few seconds but I still like to keep an eye on them the old fashioned way.This thermometer is looking a bit battered.
Our first batch of Violas sown last September are coming into flower nicely.Hope to have some sales for them soon.

Spoke to Steve today.He is having radio therapy every day along with chemotherapy.I asked how he was coping and he said not so well.He is off work and filling his day with daytime TV which is as bad as the treatment.He still has his sense of humour.He tells me the prognosis is good.I hope so.

Boris visiting scotland today.Fan Dabi Dozi said it set a bad example travelling during a pandemic.A bit rich when an snp member travelled the length of the UK on public transport while testing positive.

Kate Wolf "These Times We're Living In".One of my favourite Kate Wolf songs which seems apt.

Mild and mainly overcast.A lot of rain last night.

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