A Sedentary Day

Yesterday the step count was low, but I knew I'd worked really hard, shifting a ton or two of snow of our roof.  Today the step count was also low (3500) but I'd spent most of my day sitting on the sofa with this view of my computer and room. Local politics has resumed and today was a 6 hour long planning committee meeting. We did take a break for lunch, though in my case it was breakfast.  Fortunately the actual meeting had some interesting points to discuss. We are looking at changes that may start happening this year, and others that will be happening 20 years from now, when I'm very unlikely to be taking an interest!!  Some we are in complete agreement about, and others are more controversial. Some are wide-ranging - How will climate change influence where we can build? Others more detailed - can we move those six parking spaces?  It's an good mix, and I'm glad I got involved.
However, in these Covid times it does lead to a lot of time on the sofa.
I took a quick walk as soon as the meeting was over, but it was getting dark so it was a short walk.

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