Out with the old

So this morning my beloved car went on its way to a garage in Guildford - and we went there too to collect its replacement, which somewhat softened the blow. By the time I’d got back home I’d pretty much got the hang of driving an automatic car after 35 years of manual controls. I’m very very pleased with it and very lucky, but I’ll never forget the other one.

In other news, we nearly exchanged contracts today! We went through all the legal stuff with our solicitor, giving permission to go ahead, and seemed to have found a date everyone could do. And then the date fell through and we spent the rest of the day to-ing and fro-ing with the solicitor, estate agent and removal companies. Right at the end of the day, having had to say we couldn’t do the latest date we were trying, one of the removal companies called back to say they’d had a cancellation and could do it after all. Hopefully this will help push us all over the line tomorrow, fingers and everything else crossed...

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