River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Garden Salad

Overnight rain cleared by the time we got up, mild and slight breeze around 10°C for most of the day.
Another line full of washing dried outdoors, brought in 3pm before rain started.
Whilst walking to the washing line I spotted a few salad leaves and went searching for more: 
Good King Henry, red chicory from last summer, Lamb’s Lettuce (also called Corn Salad or Mâche)
Flat Leaf Parsley (or Parcel), last year’s Swiss Chard and Red Veined Sorrel (Bloody Dock) 
Must start off some salads from seed and micro greens  :-))
Learnt how to sew around curves! ... it helps to have a clear plastic presser foot on your sewing machine ... and ... if that presser foot has a little arrow on the front to follow your pencil line on the fabric :-))
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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