
Woke late, by the bin men, after an interrupted night.....Breakfasted in bed by 9.30, up soon afterwards.

Todays been a really up and down day, positives that somehow manifested as negatives for hub. His emotions are all over the place at this point in his cycle :-/ The,positives were that themoxygen nurse was really happy with him, his sats are completely normal and she said he should be able to sleep comfortably without the oxygen. He is going to give it a go gradually after his up and coming appointments. No pressure entirely up to him.

The other was a letter confirming he will be having a fourth round of chemo...initially they said 3 and then they would review, but because hes responded so well, the fourth has been prescribed, which I took as a positive, but hub reacted to it negatively, in that he needed to have a fourth session. His mindset is in an entirely different place just now :-/

He's tired, agitated, irritable, lost his appetite a little, most things taste horrible at the moment too......at the bottom of his downward spiral, hopefully another day or two will see a more positive outlook start to reappear......

Not had much time to think a out a blip today. Fruit is one of the things,hub seems to retain his taste for, so this combination of a new fruit called Pilon, well a Pineapple and Melon, with a bit of cropping and colour changes, is as good as its gets today folks! Tagged for Abstract Thursday, but couldnt tease out a link to the theme of motion, other than maybe they both wobble a bit lol!! A bit like us today, emotional wobbles all round :-(

Hope you're all keeping safe

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