Spoon Shots

By spoonshots


It was nice to finish work today and see this young man standing outside the office, he was more than happy to smile for the camera :-)

My portraits have lacked smiles recently, but today I want to take all the smiles I can get. There were precious few at "work" today. In fact it was one of the most annoying and frustrating days ever.

We have two days left and they can't be over quick enough. Ho hum!

On the up side I went to a small back street noodle shop this evening and had a mega bowl of "thukpa", well tasty and spicy :-P

Something I forgot to mention yesterday: I went to find this lady to give her a copy of the picture. I had to go down quite a few small alley ways to a small brick building. She was inside a dark room (no windows) and was in the middle of a big home made shrine. She was smelling a hand full of incense, crouched on the floor, and with her was another lady, I think the recipient of the "puja" that she was performing. It was a fascinating little insight into another world completely....

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