Stupid or .....

..... what !!
I went out to complete bringing a tree down to shoulder height , which I had been gradually doing all the week. At 9.30am I was determined I would complete this task. After 10 minutes it started to rain. Not to be deterred I struggled on, then just as I was going to give in , the rain abated . So I soldiered on only for the rain to begin again. Oh well I'm wet now so I marched on. Having bagged up 3 more bags ( added to 3 already ) but just the thicker branches left to cut tomorrow .
I really didn't realise I was as wet , literally soaked to the skin .so everything's went into the wash ( & i mean EVERYTHING!) showered clean clothes on ,it was definately time for a cuppa , 12 midday certainly is coffee time.
It really is an uncertain day weather wise, but i"ve managed to finish my project , well the part I needed to do today anyway.
Do hope you are all enjoying your day , stay safe .

Thoughtful .... of the scientists who ( its just been announced) have successfully found another vaccine just wonderful news. Thank you everyone.

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