Patterns of life

By tarvit11

Wrong lens

It was such a relief to have a walk today which didn't require skating skills.  And after so much rain, the burn was very high so the overhanging trees were getting quite a soaking.

As we crossed the burn in the park we spotted the black head of a larger bird bobbing around in the swollen waters and periodically diving for quite long periods.  We followed it's progress along the burn as far as we could trying to identify it.   But as luck would have it, I'd deliberately changed lenses to my wide angle so didn't have the required zoom to get a good close up.  But some googling on our return home and some much better shots from secretblipper meant we were able to identify it as a cormorant.  My best attempt is in extras.

Here's hoping I get another chance another day when I'm better prepared!

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