.....that’s for thoughts.
Today’s blip is unashamedly brash; there is nothing subtle about this winter pansy. It’s stood bravely, with its fellows, in the garden planters, giving us cheerful colours since the autumn. It’s even survived the arctic weather of last weekend. And this cheerfulness seems a suitable antidote to yesterday’s grim blip. Thank you all so much for your appreciation of ‘100,000 lives’; I was unsure whether to use the image, but I’m glad I did.
Today is damp and grey, mild before the threatened return of weekend sleet and snow, and we have a short walk around our conservation area. Returning home, I choose a subject for today’s blip - it’s good to return to outdoor photography after the last few days.
The title comes from Ophelia’s speech in Hamlet -
There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray, love, remember; and there is pansies, that’s for thoughts ....
Apparently they are known as the symbolic flowers of free thought.
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