880 hectare

I have noticed that some of you think I'm living in a forest; actually in a way I am. Because of the COVID-19 I have been spending almost all my time either at home or in the forest.

I live in Espoo city, which is a part of the Capital of Helsinki. So my home is in the city. But. The Espoo Keskuspuisto (when translated it would be Espoo Central Park) which’s is only a five minutes walk away from my home, is quite a large forest, not a park. Its acreage is up to 880 hectares. There are so many different sanded pathways and paths in the forest, I could never be bored there.

So today I went a very narrow path in the snow. I saw even a bit of light.

The main shot of today is a branch of spruce on which there were small ice droplets, the weather was yesterday on the plus side so the snow had started to melt, now frozen again.

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