Distant snow showers (Day 2077)

An early start this morning and a wander with the woofers under bright moonlight. Home briefly then it was time to take my beautiful wife into town for her to catch the ferry for adventures overseas.
Back at home I made a start on organising the back of the van before heading to town to have a look at a bathroom job then collect some pellets for the boiler. I dropped the pellets at home, then along to Orphir to sort out a problem with another boiler, with a brief stop on the way to get a quick snap for blip
Home for lunch, then out with the dogs for a poorly timed wander at Lyde. We arrived at the same time as a snow and hail.
Later, I emptied the van, then zoomed to town to collect all the stuff I will be fitting in a bathroom in Eday next week. It was a bit of a jigsaw puzzle fitting all my tools and other gear into the van once I was home.

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