New Project.
Went to take a photo whilst walking this morning. Only to find I'd forgotten to put the SD card back in the camera.
So, you've got a photo of my new wool.
I've been eyeing up this pattern for ages. Ever since a fellow blipper, put her completed cats on here.
I've dithered, because I don't like buying anything over the internet. And I'm also never sure where to put the download when it comes.
But, finally this afternoon, I did it! And it all went incredibly smoothly.
So, reading through the pattern, I discover it's in 10ply wool. We never seem to have this here, although we do have 8 and 12 ply wool.
Off I go to the craft store to check. And no 10 ply.
There are 2 other craft stores around, that are bigger than my local one. But, I really couldn't be bothered to go to them.
So, I bought 8 ply, it'll just come up smaller. Now, I have to decide what needles to use!!
I decided to buy some new wool, as I wasn't sure if I'd have enough of one colour in my stash of oddments.
I managed to find some nice wool at half price (can't believe the price of some wool). Left the shop, and realized I'd been overcharged. One ball had gone through as the original price. Got my money back without any problem.
After all that, I hope I can manage to make it now.
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